
The FT's Futures Game

The Financial Times is hosting a free futures-trading game called FT Predict on its website. It's fairly easy to get the hang of, and I have to admit I found it interesting to see how this limited market assesses the likelihood of different events--from whether the U.S. will launch air strikes on Iran by a certain date, to whether Fred Thompson stands much of a chance at winning the GOP nomination.

An Introduction

Clearly there are far too many blogs in the world. Say what you will about Web 2.0, it strikes me as more than a little narcissistic to presume that we can shoot our views off into the ether and that anybody other than immediate family will care to read them, let alone engage them.

I'm putting together this blog, then, not as a place for me to spout off -- because nobody wants that, really -- but as a resource. Ideally, this space can evolve into a useful forum for collecting good tidbits of information and analysis on the intersection of business and foreign policy, both for my own personal use and for the benefit of anyone else who cares to check it out.

If you have recommendations, or can point me in the direction of good resources, by all means please do.